Monday, November 15, 2010

What Is the Way to a Woman's Heart? Discovering Her Secret of Attraction

By Chase Tylerson

What is the real secret of attraction the can draw women to men like flies to honey. What is the secret that some guys seem to know that lets them get all the beautiful and attractive women interested. The secret is that it may not be what you think it is.

Often guys think that women are only attracted to two things in men. How good looking the guys are and how much money they have. Let's look at both of these mistaken idea's.

Is a man's looks the way to a woman's heart?

The basic answer is no. I will not say that looks do not matter at all. Women like a guy that is fit and in shape and can appreciate a handsome guy. The secret is that it does not matter nearly as much to women as it does to guys. If you are a guy with average looks, but you have a great personality, are confident, fun to be with and always make her laugh and feel good you will do well. A lot better actually than a guy who looks great but is dull, boring and full of himself.

Is money the way to a woman's heart?

Does money matter to women? Likely to a small extent. Being able to take them, out and treat them nicely is important. Not being a broke-ass deadbeat is important. But that is about it. Those things do not always even matter to all women. There are many women who will even love the broke -ass deadbeat. You cannot buy a woman's attraction. Attraction is not a logical and rational decision. It is based on emotions which are by nature purely irrational. Any appreciation she has for what you can get her will appeal to her "logical" side. She may make a decision to be with someone based on that, but that will not be a decision based on attraction.

To []increase her attraction you are going to have to understand all the ways you can actively attract women. To help you do this you can check out: []Attraction Master.

1 comment:

  1. When you are talking with a woman judge her body language and look for welcoming signs. If she finds that you are self absorbed she is likely to reject you, unless you can show a genuine interest in her at the same time. She wants to know that you can fulfill her desires. enquire about how to get a girl
